Kediri, July 2 , 2011 Dear . M anager Duta Sarana Computer Bratang Binangun VI-18 Surabaya Sincerely, According to the advertisements contained in jobs vacancy on dated 19 June 2011. In this regard, may I ask myself (a job) to join a company that Mr / Miss led. Regarding myself, I can explain as follows: Name : Fikri Place & date. Born : Kediri, 20-05-1992 End of Education : Senior hight school A ddress : Islamic Senior Hight School Phone, HP, e-mail : 085 xxx xxx xxx, Marital Status : Singgle I graduated from Islamic Senior Hight School , majoring in Language. For your consideration, I attach: 1. Curriculum Vitae. 2. Photocopy of vocational diplomas. 3. Photocopy of certificate of Fieldwork Practice. 4. Recent photograph. My big hope for a chance interview, and can explain more deeply about myself. As implied in the resume (curriculum vitae). Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Fikri